FOTO: A început Simpozionul Internațional de Arheologie Funerară „Homines, Funera, Astra”, la UAB

Acesta este programul celor două zile de simpozion:
Luni, 24 septembrie 2012:
Adina Boroneanț,
Sanda Băcueț Crișan – Neolithic Cremation Graves and Funerary Inventory from Porț „Corău”

Mihai Gligor, Mariana Roșu – Neolithic tools of human bones for the other world?
Raluca Kogălcineanu – Cutting and Craving polished stone tools as grave goods in the Hamangia cemetery from Cernavodă
Kathleen Mcsweeney, Krum Bacvarov – Isolated Human Remains from Chalcolithic non-funerary contexts in Bulgaria
Cătălin Lazăr, Mădălina Voicu – Distortion of archaeological realities: identities through grave goods
Mădălin Văleanu – Death Beyond Life. The problems regarding the reinterpretation and reconsideration of some old anthropological discoveries. Study case: Cucuteni-Cetățuie and Cosăuți
Tibor-Tamas Daroczi – Contributions to the interpretation of metal objects in funerary contexts of the Copper and Bronze Age of the Eastern Carpathian Basin
Doru Bogdan, Mihai Gligor – Bronze Age burial mounds – family crypt of public cemetery?
Vitalie Bârcă – Remarks on the emergence and distribution within in the Sarmatian environment of the graves’ ditch-surrounding custom
Marți, 25 septembrie 2012
Kristy Mcleod, Hannah J. O’Regan, David M. Wilkinson – Romano-British cave burials: A case study from from Northern England
Violeta-Maria Răileanu – Récit de vie behind the funerary texts. A few remarks on CIL VI 3914
Lucrețiu Bîrliba, Roxana Gabriela Curcă, Lebenserwartung in Moesia Inferior und in Scythia Minor. Ein Vergleich
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